
2024-05-24 15:04:12来源:证券之星阅读量:19060    

南方财经全媒体 杨雨莱 李依农 深圳报道

During the Forum on Building up China's Cultural Strength 2024, specifically the Sub-Forum on High-Quality Development of Cultural Trade, Li Xiaomu, Deputy President of Capital University of Economics and Business, underscored the transformative potential of new quality productivity in shaping the landscape of cultural trade.

By harnessing digital technology, Li Xiaomu emphasized the ability to store, transmit, and trade cultural services digitally, thereby reshaping traditional notions of synchronous production and consumption. Moreover, he highlighted the role of computing power in diversifying production factors and streamlining circulation, ultimately paving the way for enhanced efficiency and innovation within the cultural trade domain.


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